Home security is important all year round but the arrival of summer brings additional challenges. Our houses get warmer
and stuffier, we spend more time outside in the garden and we go on holiday. As well as remembering to activate the
burglar alarm when you leave the house, here are some things to remember when the temperature outside starts to rise.

1. Even on a hot day, if the house is empty, close and lock all windows

Home Security TipsAs the weather improves it may be tempting to leave a small upstairs window open for ventilation when you are out. However it has been proven that even the smallest window is no deterrent for the most determined of burglars. Even if your intruder alarm is on and you are on holiday to New Zealand or Saudi Arabia, a break in by this method could invalidate your home insurance. Also make sure that your windows and doors have good quality locks that are appropriate for their construction

2. Lock the front and back doors when you are out in the garden

security systemsWith summer on its way, you are likely to be spending more time outside in the garden.
However, cutting the grass or even sitting in the back garden with the radio on can give an opportunist thief the chance to nip inside your home and help
themselves to your valuables. Don’t make it this easy for them by locking all outside
doors that are not in your direct line of vision.

3. Keep your garage and shed locked at all times

burglar alarm
It is very easy to underestimate the value of items stored in your shed and garage. However
the replacement costs can add up when you consider the items most people now store there
e.g. bicycles, lawnmowers, power tools, camping equipment, wine! Garages and sheds also commonly store ladders and hand tools that could be used to break in to your home.

4. Don’t leave items in the garden overnight

Intruder alarmAfter a day relaxing in the garden, it may be tempting to leave outside overnight things
such as children’s toys, barbecues, parasols, portable garden furniture etc. But if something
is small enough to be easily carried it is worth the time and effort of storing it safely. If this
is not practical then make sure that your boundary fencing or hedging is of sufficient height. If not, then please ask your local roofers to do it
to make it difficult to see into your garden and to get into or out of easily.

5. Don’t forget about hanging baskets, young trees, shrubs, and newly laid turf

cctv security systemThese items are stolen from people’s homes on a regular basis. New plants are much easier to remove from the ground than established ones, so remove all plant labels and ensure that the soil around newly bedded plants does not look as though it has been recently disturbed. Steel plant anchors can be used to secure more expensive items in the ground but can prove difficult
if you decide you want to move the plant later. Hanging baskets are commonly stolen,
especially from the front of the house. Anti theft hanging baskets are available to buy or
padlocks can be used to chain them to their supports. CCTV is also a good all year round
deterrent and may be worth investing in.

6. A home that looks unoccupied is a prime target for burglars

summer home securityIf you are going on holiday the most important thing is to ensure that all windows and doors are locked and that the intruder alarm is set. The next most important thing is to do as much as possible to make your home look lived in. Ask a neighbour to pull your curtains closed occasionally and to move any mail that is accumulating at the door. Use timers on lights to mimic your typical routine and consider leaving a radio on. Also remember to cancel any regular deliveries of milk and papers etc. If you are going away for an extended period consider arranging for your lawn to be mowed

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